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2019/7/11 2:02:56发布139次查看

天津科技大学 tianjin university of science&technology
天津科技大学(tianjin university of science&technology)位于渤海之滨、海河之畔,入选“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“卓越工程师教育培养计划2.0”、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、国家“特色重点学科项目”、国家级新工科研究与实践项目,为中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收高校,是中央和地方共建、天津市重点建设的以工为主,工、理、文、经、管、法、艺等学科协调发展的多科性大学,该校盐化工专业享有“盐业黄埔”的美誉。
patriotic love school lovers: tianjin university of science and technology purchasing pzt-jh10/4 high voltage piezoelectric polarization device
tianjin university of science and technology tianjin university of science&technology
tianjin university of science & technology is located on the bank of the bohai sea and the haihe river. it was selected as the "excellent engineer education training program", "excellent engineer education training program 2.0", the national construction high-level university public school graduate program, and the national "special key subjects". the project, the national new engineering research and practice project, is a chinese government scholarship for chinese students to receive colleges and universities. it is a central and local joint construction, and the key construction of tianjin is mainly based on work, engineering, science, literature, economics, management, and law. a multi-disciplinary university with coordinated development of arts and other disciplines, the school's salt chemical industry enjoys the reputation of “salt industry huangpu”.
pzt--jh10/4 high-voltage piezoelectric polarization device is an auxiliary device after piezoelectric material molding. when the piezoelectric material has no polarity, it needs this device to apply voltage to it, so that the material has piezoelectric properties. drive further. tianjin university of science and technology has previously purchased the zt-4a (x) ferroelectric tester and the zj-3 piezoelectric d33 measuring instrument. with this equipment, it can basically meet the requirements of piezoelectric materials innovation and undergraduate teaching. i believe that in the future, tianjin university of science and technology will get better and better, providing strong scientific research support for high-end manufacturing and china manufacturing 2025.
愛国的な愛の学校愛好家:天津科学技術大学の購入pzt-jh10 / 4高電圧圧電分極デバイス
pzt  -  jh10 / 4高電圧圧電分極デバイスは、圧電材料成形後の補助デバイスであり、圧電材料が極性を持たない場合、電圧を印加する必要があるため圧電特性を持ちます。さらに運転してください。天津科技大学は以前にzt-4a(x)強誘電体テスターとzj-3圧電d33測定器を購入しており、基本的に圧電材料の革新と学部教育の要件を満たすことができます。将来的には、天津科学技術大学がどんどん良くなって、ハイエンド製造業とchina manufacturing 2025に強力な科学研究支援を提供すると私は信じています。

qq: 904397077


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