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2020/6/26 7:31:11发布163次查看
  • 加工定制:定制
  • 材质:高温材料
  • 型号:非标
  • 用途:防火

海洋平台爆炸试验与研究,喷射火试验为iso22899 1 is required。 intumescent coating we manufactured was tested for 2.0 bars blast and j-90 jet fire in advantica, cumbria, uk.
纤维素火点火后有缓慢的火焰温度上升.。标准的纤维素火灾温度与时间曲线应是参考文献:bs476,imo决议a517(13),iso r834和国际海上人命安全公约。典型的辐射值5分钟后点火为50千瓦/平方米。3.7 each thermocouple within the furnace shall be read at intervals not exceeding 1 min during the first 30 min of the test and at intervals not exceeding 5 min during the remainder of the test.
纤维素火灾温度与时间曲线的美国(astm e119,nfpa251,ul263)稍快。  应根据工艺对阀门最大关闭压差、阀体口径及关断时间的要求,合理选择执行机构的额定输出力矩并进行核算。执行机构的安全系数、尺寸(活塞面积)应由制造厂选择,确保阀门在各种工况下(包括最大差压)平稳开启及关闭,不会对阀杆和阀座造成损害。 紧急切断阀的全行程打开时间应符合安全和工艺操作要求 气动执行机构应配有与阀轴直接相连的阀位指示器。阀的开、关位置应采用文字明确标识。hydrocarbon firei是指定的耐火时间a is the area under the curve of indicated average furnace temperature for the first three-fourths of the indicated period, and 烃类火灾a hydrocarbon fire has a rapid flame temperature rise after ignition. the standard hydrocarbon fire碳氢化合物火灾燃烧后火焰温度迅速上升。1.3 the test method also covers a small-scale fire exposure, intended to evaluate the ability of protective materials to withstand a variety of environmental conditions anticipated.标准烃火 temperature vs. time 温度与时间曲线应是bs476 20和ul1709。典型的稳态温度为1100 oc。curve shall be that of bs476 part 20 and ul1709. typical steady-state temperature is 1100 oc.
typical radiation value 5 minutes after ignition is 160 kw/m2.
典型的辐射值5分钟后点火为160千瓦/平方米。喷射火 jet fire
jet fire is a turbulent diffusing flame, resulting from the combustion of a steady release of pressurised liquid 3.3 这里引入一个修正量,用来表示炉内接触火的(时间)变化,这种变化会影响试验结果。这个修正量这样规定:用2/3乘以制定时间,所得结果乘以一个商值,这个商值是由前3/4指定时间内的炉内平均温度曲线下面积与标准火升温曲线下面积的差值除以相同时间(前3/4指定时间)内标准火升温曲线以下20°c以上部分的面积而得。
or gaseous fuel. they are the most severe fire scenario that pfp materials could be required to withstand,
或气态燃料。他们是亲民的材料可能需要承受最严重的火灾场景, 天津219°c) 5 min after the start of the test and until the end of the test. 400°f (1093 111°c) and individual temperatures are to be 2000 200°f (1093 recorded by the eight thermocouples placed 4 in (102 mm) from the column. the average shall be 2000



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